Forty two thousand people is an attractive target for people who want to hurt us. And a ballpark thats about 6 feet at one point from the street is as big a target as any we can imagine Mike Quigley

Forty two thousand people is an attractive target for people who want to hurt us. And a ballpark thats about 6 feet at one point from the street is as big a target as any we can imagine Mike Quigley
Forty two thousand people is an attractive target for people who want to hurt us. And a ballpark thats about 6 feet at one point from the street is as big a target as any we can imagine Mike Quigley

Forty two thousand people is an attractive target for people who want to hurt us. And a ballpark thats about 6 feet at one point from the street is as big a target as any we can imagine Mike Quigley

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