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What is a kiss. Alacke at worst A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst Tho oft it proves in happie Hour The first sweete Dropp of one long showre

What is a kiss. Alacke at worst A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst Tho oft it proves in happie Hour The first sweete Dropp of one long showre 1 1

What is a kiss. Alacke at worst A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst Tho oft it proves in happie Hour The first sweete Dropp of one long showre 1 1

What is a kiss. Alacke at worst A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst Tho oft it proves in happie Hour The first sweete Dropp of one long showre
What is a kiss. Alacke at worst A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst Tho oft it proves in happie Hour The first sweete Dropp of one long showre

What is a kiss. Alacke at worst A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst Tho oft it proves in happie Hour The first sweete Dropp of one long showre

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