Best love quotes for him | 300 romantic love quotes for husband or BF

Best best love quotes for him that you can use to express your feelings. We have largest Collection of beautiful quotes, captions, status and sayings.

We have prepared list of 300+ Best romantic love quotes for him:

  • Seeing your face is the fastest way to put a smile on mine.
  • Kissing you is my favorite thing to do.
  • I love how you always can make me laugh.
  • When I see you, I get butterflies.
  • Hugging you is the best medicine for when Im feeling down.
  • The only thing that could make me love you more is a ring!
  • I want you to wrap me in your arms.
  • I start missing you before youve even left.
  • Love is finding someone you always want to hang out with.
  • Im mad about you.
  • I will always wait for you.
  • Youre my everything.
  • Its impossible not to love you.
  • All that you are is all that Ill ever need.
  • I cant stop thinking about you.
  • I love you to infinity and beyond!
  • You make me excited in ways that no one else can.
  • I get butterflies just thinking about the next time Ill see you.
  • You check boxes on my wishlist I didnt even know I wanted.
  • I love you more than chocolate, and thats a lot!
  • Im selfish because I want you all to myself.
  • Youre my first thought when I wake up, and my last thought before I fall asleep.
  • I knew I was in trouble the moment I first met you!
  • No matter how cold it is outside, I know Ill always be warm in your arms.
  • True love sounded like a fairytale until I found you.
  • Youre my definition of perfect.
  • I want to be the princess if youll be my prince.
  • The best part of my day is when I get to talk to you.
  • Calling me cute is nice, calling me hot is great, but calling me yours is all I want.
  • You can make even my worst days better.
  • I love you every second, every minute, every hour, and every day.
  • You make my heart beat faster
  • I like-like you.
  • One day, well never have to say goodbye, just goodnight.
  • I could be happy living in an isolated beach hut with you.
  • I know its still too soon to know, but I hope youre the one.
  • From where Im standing, our future together looks pretty amazing.
  • I hope you like me in white dresses.
  • Im jealous of people who get to see you every day.
  • If you asked, Id say yes.
  • We were meant for each other.
  • God made you just for me.
  • You make me excited, you make me nervous, you make me crazy, but most of all, you make me happy.
  • Nothing is sadder than imagining my life without you.
  • I dont need the whole world to love me, just you.
  • Even though some things dont need to be spoken, theyre still nice to hear. I love you.
  • All of me loves all of you.
  • Take my hand, and my whole life too, cause I cant help falling in love with you.
  • Love songs are even sweeter now that theyre about you and me.
  • No one was ever told “I love you” too many times.
  • Since the first day I met you, I knew you’d be mine until the end of time.
  • I can never express how much I love you, or how special you are to me. All I can say is that my world is brighter whenever I am with you.
  • I know that dreams can come true because mine did the day I met you. I will love you always.
  • I will love you until the tides no longer turn and the sun no longer shines.
  • It may be too early to tell you I love you, but I’m terrible at keeping secrets. I want you to know that I’ve never felt so perfectly happy, and you’re the reason why.
  • I spend more time thinking about you than I do worrying about myself. That’s how I know that my feelings for you are true.
  • No matter what I do, there isn’t a single moment when I’m not thinking about you. I miss you terribly.
  • I know what love is because of you. My life would lose all meaning and my heart would be an empty flame without you.
  • I will never ask you to change. You’re perfectly imperfect just the way you are.
  • Do you know how I knew I was in love with you? My reality was finally better than my dreams.
  • I always knew there was someone special out there for me. I have no need to search for him, for he has found me, and I him. I have always loved you.
  • I would never have accomplished what I have without your love.
  • My sweet prince charming: I love you once. I love you still. Always have. Always will.
  • When I look into your eyes, I see the mirror to my soul.
  • No one could ever start a fire as bright as the one you’ve started in my heart.
  • Our love is sweeter than a bird’s song, and stronger than the sun.
  • One of the greatest joys in my life is making you smile.
  • I love you not for anything you have, but for what I feel whenever I’m near you.
  • Never in my wildest dreams did I think love could be so brilliant until I saw the look in your eyes.
  • I love you but don’t know when, how, or from where. I love you without pride or problems. I love you because I don’t know any other way to love. There is no you or I. Your hand on my chest is my hand. When I fall asleep, it’s your eyes that close.
  • When you came into my life, it was like red wine and honey. The sweet taste of you burnt my mouth.
  • My love for you has no boundaries; no depths. My life and love with you is a never-ending story with so many pages yet to be written.
  • If I had known I could be so happy, I would have searched harder for you and found you long before so that I could spend even more time with you.
  • My love for you is real and it makes me want to do unreal things, like climbing a rainbow or jumping on the clouds.
  • Our love is like a romantic comedy. We smile at each other, we flirt, we laugh, and then we fight. And then we do it all over again. I love you.
  • Listen closely to my breaths and you will hear “I love you coming out of each and every one. I literally live for you, and you alone. I love you.
  • I never would have thought that three simple words could sum up my reason for living. I realized how wrong I was the moment I said I love you.
  • Your love is more intoxicating than wine, sweeter than chocolate and is hotter than a fireplace. To be frank, my dear, your love is absolutely magical.
  • We are not the same person today that we were last year, nor are the people we love. Isn’t it a happy chance that we, changing, continue to love a changed person?
  • I still don’t know how you got into my heart. But I’m sure glad you did, and I never want you to leave.
  • Your kisses make me shiver. Your hugs make me weak in the knees. The thought of you makes me breathless. Missing you makes me feverish. You seem to be bad for my health, but I will love you still with all my might.
  • Everyone told me that falling in love would be the most beautiful thing in the world. When I fell in love with you, I realized they were wrong. Next your love, even the most beautiful thing in the world is ugly.
  • You’re not the only person in the universe, but you’re the only one that matters.
  • If you live to be one hundred, I hope I live to be one hundred minus one day, so I never have to live a day without you.
  • You may only hold my hand for a while, but you will hold my heart forever.
  • I have loved you in countless forms, countless times, life after life, age after age, forever.
  • Whenever I think about rain, I think about singing. Whenever I think about singing, it’s always a heavenly song. Then when I think about heaven, I think about angels. Whenever I think about angels, I always think about you.
  • Your love makes every morning worth getting up for.
  • Kissing you makes my day. Holding you makes my week. But loving you? That makes my life.
  • I love you not just because of what you are, but because of who I am whenever I am with you.
  • If I ever had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breathe to tell you how much I love you.
  • There is a place inside of me where your fingerprints rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers echo softly. It’s the one place where a part of you will always be a part of me.
  • If I could kiss and tell you how much I love you, we would spend a lifetime kissing.
  • Your smile is like the sun; it brightens my day. Thoughts of you in my head create an irresistible tune, and I can’t help but falling in love with you.
  • We are imperfect, but our love is true and makes everything perfect. There are few things I care about more than life, but one of them is love and the other one is you.
  • Forever is quite a long time. But I sure wouldn’t mind spending it right by your side.
  • Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.
  • It was a million little things. And when you add those little things up, they meant that we were meant to be together. And I knew it.
  • If you gave me a flower every time I thought of you, I could spend a lifetime walking through my garden.
  • Every time I think it’s impossible to love you more, you prove me wrong.
  • I love you. That’s the beginning and the end of everything.
  • I cannot promise that I will never be away from you, but I can promise you that I will forever love you.
  • When I see look into your mind, I see the beauty of a thousand diamonds. The moment I let that beauty and love wash over me, I knew that there was nothing in the world I would trade our relationship for.
  • If they dusted my heart for fingerprints, they’d only find yours.
  • The moments I spend with you, I see as a beautiful perfumed garden, a peaceful fountain singing and a dim twilight. It is you and you alone that makes me feel alive.
  • You give me joy in my darkest hours, hope in the most trying times, and love in everything that I do.
  • Every moment you stand by my side has reassured me time and time again that I am the luckiest girl in the world.
  • Kiss me, and I’ll serenade you among the stars. Give your love to me, and I will take down each star and place them at your feet.
  • I may not get to hold you in my arms at night, or see you as often as I’d like. But know that deep in my heart, I know that you are the one I love and will never let go.
  • You are the reason I wake up each morning. The reason I find something to smile for. The one person that make me happy when things are bad. Your eyes, your laugh, your smile, that look in your eyes; everything about you makes me want you even more.
  • third love quote for him
  • My love knows no bounds; it’s endless, timeless. You have enriched my life in more ways than I can ever express. From the moment I looked into your eyes, I felt a strong connection to you. My soul was drawn to yours in a way I had never experienced before. And you are still the only one that can truly see the door to my soul.
  • If I could have one wish, I would ask to wake up each morning to the warmth of your lips, the sound of your breath, the feel of your heart beating with mine, and the touch of your fingertips on my skin.
  • Our love is a journey that starts at forever and ends at never.
  • I need you like a heart needs to beat, a bee needs nectar and a child needs love.
  • I love you more than anyone could ever comprehend. Our love is so special and beautiful because you love me for me and I love you for you.
  • Every word that comes out of your lips is my food. Each breath you take is my sweet wine. Your very existence is all I could ever want or need.
  • My love for you goes far beyond my heart and mind. It delves right into my soul.
  • You have given me the greatest gift in the world: the growth of love. Our love started as a seed and has grown into a beautiful flowering tree.
  • Your smile, like the sunshine, brightens my day. Thoughts of you in my head create a sweet melody and I can’t help but fall in love with you all over again.
  • Thoughts of you are engraved on my mind. Your name is forever etched on my heart. Your love is embedded in my soul until the end of time.
  • I breathe only for you. I live my life for you. You are my one and only hope in this world where I feel so lost and lonely. You are the one person I want to spend the rest of days with. I
  • love you with every fiber of my being.
  • In the depths of my heart wells a tremendous tide of beautiful love and hope that this treasure we call our love will be confided to me for my entire lifetime. You cannot see the waves as they push towards you, but in these words you will hear the beating of its surf.
  • I see something even more beautiful than the stars in your smile.
  • I’m not sure what souls are made of, but I do know that yours and mine are the same. You are more myself than I could ever be.
  • The best kind of love is one that awakens the soul, plants a fire in our hearts, makes us reach for more and brings peace to our troubled minds. This is the kind of love I hope to give to you forever.
  • Loving you is the most natural thing I could do. For you make the world a more beautiful place just by being in it.
  • I finally know what true love feels like, and I can truly say that it is the most magical feeling in the world.
  • A love like ours is hard to find, for it is more than just a union of two hearts, but the union of two souls who love each other more than words could ever express.
  • I have never had a moment of doubt in my mind about us. That is how I know that we belong together – now and forever.
  • They say that each person enters our lives for a reason. I now know that the reason you entered mine was to show me how beautiful life can be.
  • The happiest day of my life was the day you said “I love you.
  • When you tell me “I love you, my heart and soul melt like bittersweet chocolate. I have waited my entire life to hear those magical words from your lips.
  • My love for you is deeper than any ocean; higher than any mountain.
  • The only thing in the world that my heart desires is to be by your side.
  • The comfort I feel when you wrap your arms around me is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in the world.
  • All I want is to lay next to you and listen to the beating of your heat. All I want is to close my eyes, and sleep in your arms. All I want is to feel you, and forget about the world.
  • You’re always on my mind – even when I have a million things to worry about.
  • Every time I see your smile, I fall in love all over again.
  • Like the earth and the sun, we never venture too far from each other. We’re always in each other’s company no matter what and through everything. That is how I plan to be with you.
  • When our fingers intertwine, I feel that I am yours and you are mine.
  • The warmth of your sweet love makes me realize how lucky I am to have found you.
  • There is nothing in the world that could ever compare to the love we share.
  • You are my Prince Charming; my fairy-tale dream come true.
  • Just the thought of being in your arms helps me make it through the day.
  • I love it when you say my name. Only your voice could send shivers up my spine.
  • My heart skips a beat each time I see that twinkle in your eye when you smile.
  • My only desire is to make you happy and to fill your life with joy and beauty.
  • You put a smile on my face and make all of my pain go away.
  • My mornings are brighter since the day I found you. I love you more than you’ll ever know and will never leave your side.
  • There will never be another for me, for I know now that you are the only one that could ever truly make me happy.
  • I love you five days a week; the other two I lust you.
  • I’m so in love with you, breathing hurts.
  • When I’m without you, I’m never without you.
  • You’re easy to love.
  • You make me laugh.
  • In this world, you make me who I am.
  • Life makes sense when I see you at the end of the day.
  • As I love you, I learn more about life.
  • My love, you fill me with sunshine smiles and rainbow colors.
  • When I’m with you, the whole world stops, and I finally breathe.
  • Life means more to me with you here.
  • If I could hold on to you from morning till night, that still wouldn’t be enough time.
  • You’re the only man I see.
  • In good times and in bad, you are my answer.
  • Never forget, always remember, you can count on me.
  • I see you. you see me. Love is not blind.
  • Our love has taken every test, and we’ve passed.
  • I’m in it for the long haul.
  • You make me want to stay here with you forever.
  • I can see your heart when I smile.
  • This kind of love hurts so much that it feels good.
  • My soul needs your soul to exist.
  • Each day I love you more than the day before, it scares me, but I’m grateful.
  • I’ve loved you always, mistakes and all.
  • Tomorrow doesn’t matter; just this moment with you does.
  • I only know love because I know you.
  • Only you know how this love feels; I’m so glad it’s you.
  • In this world, I am connected to you, soul to soul.
  • Your love is what brings me home and keeps me breathing.
  • Listen close, you’ll hear me whispering “I love you” all day in your ear.
  • You make me smile during times when only tears should comet; thank you.
  • Did you know that I love you? In case I haven’t said it enough, I want you to know just what you truly mean to me
  • Let me show you what beautiful is.
  • I want you to ride with me, even on the bumpy roads.
  • If you run for president, I won’t laugh.
  • Paradise is where you are.
  • You’re the man I want to weather the storms with.
  • Don’t say no, I love you so.
  • Sunshine makes me smile and think of you for a while.I know how I love you…deeply.
  • I love you baby.
  • You are seriously hot.
  • I see you.
  • Don’t worry, I’m here.
  • Let’s share our lives forever.
  • Life is like a box of chocolates, and I got the nut.
  • You make me laugh.
  • I always remember to never forget us.
  • Don’t think I don’t know you love me.
  • I’m texting u love.
  • You’re mine.
  • Yesterday is like today; perfect with you.
  • Tomorrow’s promise is today’s love.
  • Call me crazy; you are an original guy.
  • Your butt is cute.
  • I love you and your smarts!
  • So tall, so kind, so glad you’re mine
  • I can’t wait to get my hands on you.
  • Yesterday was a great beginning.
  • I love our life story.
  • When you walk away, it hurts.
  • Sometimes life is perfect, and that’s when you’re here.
  • I’m hungry just for you.
  • I cry bubbles not tears, cause I’m happy to see you.
  • The moon and you are both too far away right now.
  • Hurry, I love you; hurry, I need you; hurry, I want you
  • I have loved you through many lifetimes.
  • In this life, I am bound by your love and light.
  • During trying times, your hugs center my soul.
  • Your smile takes me to a place beyond this world
  • Love you, like you, need you, want you, miss you.
  • Work on your car all day dear, then feel free to go play cards with your friends for as long as you need.
  • You just don’t have to help me around the house! I’m good.
  • I love it when all your friends come over.
  • Please leave the toilet seat up. And thank you.
  • Don’t worry, I’ll cook every single night.
  • Sure, go ahead and fix the car’s motor on the dining room table.
  • You’ll “complete me” when you complete painting the family room.
  • When you don’t talk to me, I know you love me
  • Go ahead relax; “I got this.”
  • Socks and sandals work for me.Yeah, that’s right, go out in public wearing them.
  • Don’t worry, I’m yours forever no matter what you do. (This saying might scare him).
  • You “complete” too many people, if you know what I’m saying.
  • Don’t move over, I want to squish you in a loving way.
  • My mom loves you, my dad loves you, and I no longer have a choice in the matter.
  • Forget the expensive restaurant for dinner; just take me to that drive-thru over there.
  • Yes, I really do like it when you sleep all day.
  • Do not get up and do not hold the door open for me; I can carry everything all by myself.
  • I feel great when I’m around you; here, let me crazy glue you to my hip.
  • Golf all day, drink all day, sleep all day, it’s your choice.
  • You never have to buy me another gift, ever.
  • The hairier the better, keep that fur on your back.
  • You inspire my sarcasm, thank you.
  • Take your time; I don’t mind if you’re late when you pick me up.
  • Today, I not only can’t help loving you, but I want to love you.
  • Watch football all day, ’cause that’s hot.
  • You are my sweet angel wrapped in guy stuff.
  • Thank you for doing the dishes…last month
  • You cheer me up when everyone else around me makes me crazy!
  • Toss me on the floor (gently) and show me who’s boss (gently).
  • You are the star in my life.
  • I love it when you don’t shower.
  • You are the mayonnaise on my sandwich.
  • I am the wind beneath your wings; actually, I’m more like the boot up your *ss.
  • I love you so much that my mother cried.
  • Here’s the remote. Want the batteries?
  • I put a naked photo of me on your desktop. It’s my best one; I was three.
  • You can see other women—here, put this bag over your head.
  • You’re sexier than any other man alive—sometimes I’m honest.
  • You are my knight in shining boxer shorts.
  • If you want to be my valentine, do my housework for a day.
  • Cute’s a breeze.
  • You hold my heart in your hand; don’t clap.
  • You completed me.
  • Love works. I wish you did.
  • I Love smart men…and I love you too.
  • You could be smarter than the super committee.
  • I love you like a fish loves a worm
  • If there were a contest for smartest and cutest, don’t worry winning isn’t everything.
  • I love it when you do nothing day in and day out.
  • Love means always having to say you’re sorry, so I’ll just start my day off with that!
  • You make me times better than I was (I hope you’re buying this crap).
  • You’re the most organized man I know. You’re the girl and I’m the guy. Love that.
  • If you were the last man on earth, I’d still pick you. Wait, I’d have to pick you. Never mind.
  • Have you ever felt the indescribable feeling when you finally found the one you wish to spend the rest of your life? Tell him how much you love him with these cute boyfriend quotes.
  • When you came into my life, there is now no reason for my fear. Thank you for making me feel secure all the time.
  • There was a time in my life that all I can see is you. You are a dream come true. I love you now and forever.
  • If I only had one wish left, I want it to be YOU for the rest of my life. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are like sugar in my coffee, icing to my cake, and an apple to my pie. We are always the best combination.
  • I will celebrate your love for the rest of my life. You and I are perfect for each other. I know that this kind of love will stay forever.
  • You are always in my mind. I dont know if Im already crazy or I am just crazy about you. I know this is crazy, but I hope you feel crazy about me too. Thank you for loving your crazy girlfriend.
  • Its a magical moment to finally be with you. If only we can stay like this all the time, things will be a lot better. For now, I will just enjoy my home in your arms.
  • I can always say that life is beautiful because I have you. You mean everything to me. I keep on dreaming of you every day and night.
  • Love is when two people make every moment magical. There are no dull moments with them. It is sharing lives, endless happiness, and always a joyful heart.
  • There is no one like you that can make me smile even through the darkest day of my life. You knew exactly how to brighten up my day. I thank God for your life.
  • My heart jumps in joy when you came into my life. Who would ever think that a hot and handsome guy in campus is my boyfriend now? I feel so beautiful. I just hope that this is not a dream or else I do not want to wake up anymore.
  • You are more than a boyfriend to me. You are my best friend, my companion, my dinner buddy, and most of all my prayer partner. I am looking forward to our future together. I love you so.
  • Two words to describe you: determined and committed. I havent met a guy who is so determined about his life decisions and no one who is so passionate with his commitment. I am so lucky to have you.
  • How can I not fall in love with you if just one smile from you my heart started to melt? It is in your eyes that I can see a paradise. I hope this will last.
  • I wonder why I miss you every moment of my life. Time seems to move fast whenever we are together. If only I, can stop it, but you know I cant.
  • It is you that make me feel brand new every day of my life. It is you that gave me more reasons to live. It is also you that I want to love for the rest of my life.
  • My love, there is no one else like you. You give me butterflies, youve made me so happy. In your eyes I can see our future. What else could I ask for? I think I already found the one who could give me an endless happiness.
  • It is our love that still connects us so deeply today. It is also the reason why in every trial of our relationship, we still manage to hold each others hand. Never will I leave you, honey.
  • We are meant to fall in love with each other. You are what I have been waiting for. And I am the one youve been dreaming of. It is amazing how love brought us together.
  • For you Ill cross the ocean. For you Ill climb every mountain. For you I will do everything. I hope you will do the same.
  • I thank my boyfriend for being my hero. He keeps me safe. He wont let any harm come my way. There is nothing he wont do for me. I hope he wont leave me too.
  • No one can ever replace your love. In my heart and in my soul, you will always be my one and only love.
  • I promise to stay in love with you for the rest of my life. You take all my fears away with just one embrace from you. How beautiful life is when I am with you.
  • Maybe this time, it is you I will be spending every moment of my life. I cant imagine life with someone else. I hope it is YOU until forever.
  • There is no one else who will love me like you will. You knew everything about me. You accept me for who I am. And if I would have to live my life again, it is still you I will choose to love.
  • With these best boyfriend quotes express the feeling when all you wanted to do is to be with him 24 hours a day, but still thinks it is never enough. Well, being in love with someone means the world for all who experienced it.It will not only make his ordinary day a special one, but also it will make him smile.
  • I never had much luck with my lovers before. And yes, I thought of closing the door of my heart. One day, theres a guy who lost his way. He found me, and he was so determined. He is the best boyfriend in the world.
  • We became friends, and later on we started out together. Slowly, the door of my heart opens. I was wrong when I said no one will love me for real. He made me realize how lucky I am. I love my best boyfriend!
  • Thank you for giving me everything without asking any in return. You are one of the best. Please stay always with me.
  • You are the one I am dreaming at night, the one I long to kiss, the one I want to hold tight. You are a dream come true. Thank you for coming into my life.
  • I love the way your jokes can make me smile, the way you compliment my style, the way you hold my hand, and most especially the way you love me like no one else can. I love you simply because my heart tells me so.
  • 30 Sweet and Cute Quotes for Your Boyfriend with Heartfelt Images
  • You are the only person I would like to think about every morning. I just couldnt stop thinking about you. I am so in love with you.
  • Thank you for keeping me in your life, even if I have so many flaws that could have pushed you away. I am not easy to love, but you are really trying hard. I know someday, this kind of love will stay.
  • The best thing about loving you is that every time we had arguments, it is you who give way first. You will not let the day end without making me smile. I love for being who you are.
  • I am afraid that no one will love me like you do. I am afraid to be alone. I am afraid of losing you. Please take away this feeling and stay with me always.
  • How did you know I needed someone like you in my life? I am always praying for someone like you. I guess God knows how much I need you. From now on, I promise to be the best girlfriend in the world.
  • You fill the empty space in my heart. I am now complete because of you.
  • They said that it is love that will find you. I never look for it. I am praying, yes of course. You came at the right time, at the right place. You are an answered prayer, Gods most precious gift.
  • Before, I was hopeless and lost. And then, you came into my life when I needed you the most. I will never forget how you brought light to my life. Thank you for giving me another reason to live.
  • Things will work out just fine if you are right by my side. In you, I found the love of my life.
  • Your sweet voice can take away all my sadness. Your smile gives me hope. Its a magical feeling knowing that we are meant to be. It doesnt matter what took you so long to arrive in my life. I am so much blessed with joy you brought to my life.
  • I am excited every morning knowing that I will get a chance to see you. You are the one I wanted to be with until the end. A day without seeing you is a day full of loneliness. I hope you already knew how much I love you.
  • I will cherish every moment Ill spend with you. I promise to be there always especially on your worst day. I will always try to sweeten your day. Thank you for giving me this beautiful feeling inside.
  • Thank you for giving me flowers always. Thank you for making me feel beautiful and glowing. You never fail to make me smile. I am so lucky to have you.
  • I know that many girls out there will try to flirt with you. You knew exactly how to deal with them, so I believe I do not have to remind you anymore. I want you to know that I have trust in you. Just one thing I want to say, please do not break your promises as well as my heart.
  • My heart it belongs to you. My mind always tells me that it is YOU. My eyes only want to see you. I guess my love for you is true. I love you.
  • Good things and bad things about relationship all matters. These things make us stronger and braver. I hope we can stand together many trials. God bless us.
  • My ideal boyfriend is right beside me now. He is one of my dream come true. He makes me glow inside. All beautiful things that happen to me are because of him. I love him and I will always love him till the end.
  • Having an ex boyfriend or an ex lover? No worries. We have prepared some best ex boyfriend quotes just for your inspiration.
  • You were my life, my sun, my everything. Now you are just my ex boyfriend.
  • Now when I look at my ex boyfriend, I think I was being drunk whole time in our relationship.
  • Think of past is like thing what was like before. Let the bygones be bygones, let the bad boyfriend be ex boyfriend.
  • All the moments we had, good or bad, now the are only ex moments, that I will try to forget. Together with you my ex boyfriend…
  • When you see me again, you will wish you never let me go. But you will still be another ex boyfriend, just a previous love, lost time.
  • If you were actually a full length film, I will watch you over and over again, everyday even if you are three hours long. And I will never get neither exhausted nor bored. I love you my man!
  • I cant find the perfect quote to convey what I feel for you, so here I am simply saying I love you!
  • I cant promise you that we will always be physically together but I can promise you one thing, I will always be with you. In your heart and in your thoughts, I will stay and remain in there. Darling, I love you!
  • I am giving you this promise that I will be with you always even if death takes my life away. Much love for you my Sweetie!
  • I neither dreamed nor wished of having someone like you in my life because I know that it is quite impossible for a girl like me but heavens blessed me because He gave me you.
  • I love you like how Winnie the Pooh loves honey. It maybe corny and funny but I just want to let you know how much I love you my Honey!
  • Our relationship is all that I have; I will not trade it with anything no matter how broke I get.
  • I took a peek into your mind, then I saw how much you really love me, you love me more than your own self. I love you darling!
  • My entire world will be a total nonsense if you did not come into my life. You are the only sense to all of my nonsense. I love you babe!
  • Whenever you see the sun rise up in the morning, please be reminded that I am falling in love with you more and more each time the sun rises up. Much love sweetie!
  • The love that we have between us is comparable to a journey. As long as my heart is beating, I will travel with you.
  • The look in your eyes whenever you are with me gives me an assurance that I am the luckiest lady in town. I love you!
  • You are the only person alive who made a huge and significant difference in my life. Thank you for that honey and always keep that in mind.
  • Whenever you kiss me, I always have this feeling that I want to be in the sky and sing with the stars. I love you!
  • You are the brightest star in my whole sky. Hugs and Kisses!
  • I only want one thing; it is to be with you every now and then. Much love!
  • I do not know if my mind is pre-programmed to always think of you because I just cant stop doing so. I love you baby!
  • You are the motivation why I was finally capable to perceive my significance without you hurting me.
  • You are the explanation at the back of all the smiles and grins that I have in my face.
  • You are not a knight in an alluring and glittering armor but you are for all time my one and truest hero. Thank you for saving me!
  • You are just precisely the sort of man that I am dreaming of. How propitious and lucky I am to have you. Kisses for you babe!
  • Knowing that you are at all times next to me makes my heart relaxed and cheerful.
  • Im pleased that universe gave me you my sweet man. I love you!
  • I will be devoted to you and I am keeping you for eternal time. I love you sweetie!
  • I overpoweringly love you. I do and I sincerely mean it. You are the only one for me, my hero!
  • I for all time beams when someone says your name. Even your name my love alone brings me joyfulness. I love you!
  • I do not really heed how I will depart this life as long as I get to spend the rest of my cherished life with you baby.
  • I at all times have enjoyment and delight with you even if we are not doing something or nothing at all. I presume that is the thrilling magic of love.
  • I am so worn-out. So worn-out of thinking about you all day long my knight. I love you darling!
  • I am grateful to you for loving me throughout the period when I dont even make out how to love myself.
  • I am forever and a day prepared to settle and be with you no matter how distant you will go and no matter how complicated the journey will be.
  • I am akin to the fact that I purely love you. No query. No explanation. No buts. No ifs.
  • Every day is a grand day for me most particularly when I am with you.
  • Even if destiny will keep us at a distance your name and your love for me were already tattooed in my spirit.
  • Each daybreak keeps me reminded that I have another one marvelous day to use up with you.
  • I at all times follow my common sense; the day that I met you it was my initial point in time to go after my heart.
  • I am living a reverie or shall I say, I am living with the gentleman of my wildest dreams.
  • Indeed, I am so blessed to arouse each morning exactly next to you. I love you cupcake!
  • I sense safety and more security every time we cuddle. Without a doubt, in your arms my love I am cherished and secluded.
  • It is an indulgence to lay down at hours of darkness in our cottony soft bed with you right by my side. My hero. My man. The love of my heart.
  • Spending an entire day with you makes the whole thing absolutely perfect. I love you!
  • Sunsets are astonishingly striking because it tells me that my day is incredible because I have someone incredible in my life like you. More incredible than the Hulk to be honest.
  • My gratitude to you my love, I now totally understand what the significance of true and authentic love is. I love you darling!
  • There are no more than two moments in my existence that I want to be with you by yourself, now and until perpetually.
  • There is a single and only one thing that I will not request you to do and that is to alter your own self for me. You are just endearingly perfect by simply being you.
  • We are precisely twenty nine thousand miles apart but I never felt the remoteness in my beating heart.
  • You at all times give me something to be blissful and grateful about each day. I love you my man!
  • You are the solitary explanation why I thank heavens every second, minute, hour of the day, every day.
  • I am always searching for Mr. Right. Then you came and I dont have to search anymore because you are more than Mr. Right.
  • Knowing that you love me is enough for me; it is the most reassuring words that I always want to hear.
  • I am happy when we are together in good times but I am blissful when we are together during those difficult times in our relationship.
  • Your loving words resonate in my heart, my mind and my soul. I love you babe!
  • I want to let the whole universe to know that I am being loved by the gentlest person in the universe. He is you honey!
  • I wish that the day will come that we are not going to say goodbye to each other. I miss you so much dear!
  • Whenever I eat an ice cream it reminds me of your lips, sweet, luscious and yummy. Miss you darling!
  • Up to this day I am still attracted to you just like the very first time that I saw you.
  • If you will depart this life let me know first so I can be the first one to depart before you because I do not want to live another day of my life without you.
  • You are the remaining source of my positivity in this life, everything else is already rotten. I love you!
  • Every day, I have this extra dose of happiness because I know that I have you darling!
  • Every time you look into my eyes, it feels like I am being hypnotized by you because I just cant seem to let go of you.
  • I am the pollen while you are the bee for you are always attracted to me. Together we make a tasty honey. I love you sweetie!
  • I will start charging you for rent because for years you are residing in my heart and thoughts.
  • I love you when we are together but I love you more whenever we are at a distance from each other.
  • You caught my heart yesterday. You still have my heart today. Tomorrow and evermore my heart will always be yours.
  • Nothing tears me more than the two of us being apart. Hugs and Kisses for you babe!
  • You are the song that my heart and soul is longing for. Finally, I can listen to your tune and sweet melody now over and over again.
  • I have never seen you before in my life but all I know is that we are meant to be together the instant we touch hands.
  • I love the fact that each day I am falling for you. Harder and deeper than the day before.
  • I firmly believe that dreams do come true because you are the living and tangible proof to that.
  • I want to be with you yesterday. I still want to be with you today. I will want to be with you tomorrow. I love you sweet pie!
  • I have this strangest feeling that I might have loved you already before in our past lives. Some memories flash before my very eyes. As if it is history replicating itself.
  • Without you my life would be boring, thanks for keeping me happy and loved.
  • You mean everything to me, meaning you are my everything.
  • I cant explain how empty I feel when youre not around. Please stay by my side.
  • Wake me up in this wonderful fantasy for I have met the man of my wildest dreams.
  • I like you – I love you – I think about you – like a lot!
  • Kiss me so I can feel the fireflies and butterflies in my stomach again and again.
  • I dont care about anything but your sweet sweet lips and strong arms.
  • I am having the best time of my life because you are in it.
  • My best friend, my bestie, my amigo and bff is my boyfriend.
  • Do you know that I find you cute, sexy, hot, smart and husband material?
  • Roses are red, blueberries are blue, you are really adorable, I just want to eat you!
  • You get me and you make me smile. I am the happiest girl because I have a man like you.
  • I cant get enough of you, your cuddles, hugs and kisses. They are so addictive.
  • From your face to your body, to your heart to your intellect, I love every part of you.
  • To love you is to receive a glimpse of heaven and to get to taste the sweetest treat in the world.
  • I want to be your girl forever and ever and ever and ever.
  • Even if we are far from each other please know that only you can give me the feeling of love.
  • When I see you my heart turns into a beating drum and my eyes turn into hearts.
  • Of all the people in this planet what are the odds that I met you, fell for you and fell in love with you. Its fate!
  • You turn me into a smiley, happy, excited and love emoji.
  • You put a twinkle in my eye, butterflies in my stomach and you bring love into my heart.
  • Just know that I am always thinking about you and that you are so ridiculously loved.
  • You are my favorite past time, pleasurable obsession, amusement and hobby. They are all the same, but you get what I mean. I love you honey!
  • When I think about my future, I see you in it. Holding my hand through the good times and bad.
  • I love the way you look into my eyes. I feel so much love and passion through them.
  • Being with you makes my day, being loved by you makes my life. You make me content and happy. I love you my boyfriend.
  • I knew you were special the first time I laid my eyes on you. I love babe!
  • All you have to do is look at me with those loving eyes and I know I am home. I love you so much.
  • I am never not loving, dreaming, fantasizing or thinking of you.
  • As long as the sun shines my love for you will never fade. I love you.
  • You are the love of my life and you light up my life like the sun lights up the whole world.
  • I cherish and adore you more than you ever know. I love you so much.
  • This sounds crazy but only you and your love can make everything seem right.
  • I love you to the moon and back, from your heart to your soul and from your head to your toe.
  • Do you think of me as much as I think of you? Do you love me as much as I love you?
  • I think I might be falling in love with you. I am not surprised, you are an amazing boyfriend after all.
  • Every minute I spend with you is a minute of bliss. I love you.
  • I dont think my boyfriend knows how much I love and adore him. But I will spend my life showing him.
  • I wish there were words to express how much I love and adore my boyfriend. All I know is that he is a total a catch and I caught him!
  • Being with my boyfriend is the best feeling in the world. I just love to be with him.
  • My boyfriend is the type of guy I want to take home to meet my parents.
  • Have you heard that I have the most incredible boyfriend in all the world? I love him so much.
  • I love being with the man I love the most. My boyfriend and my best friend.
  • My boyfriend makes me feel loved and special. Yeah hes great and he is mine!
  • You are my baby, you are my man, you are my all, you are my everything. I love you!
  • I love my boyfriend like I love my chocolates, cupcakes and coffee.
  • The world should know how wonderful you are as a boyfriend and that I am so lucky to be your girl.
  • Making you happy is what I do, I love you my boyfriend, I really truly do!
  • You know youre in love when you have a smile on you face when you think about your boyfriend.
  • Being apart drives me crazy. I miss him every single minute, that is why love him so much.
  • We are bound to each other by trust, love and friendship. My boyfriend is my world.
  • He is the light, the inspiration, the medicine and the love of my heart.
  • I have the best boyfriend, he is kind, funny and smart all at the same time. I love him so much!
  • Our love is hot, it shines so bright that I gotta wear sunscreen and shades.
  • Behind every great boyfriend is an super amazing, smoking hot girlfriend with the smarts and the looks.
  • Youre crazy, Im crazy, I love you, you love me, I get you, you get me, youre happy, Im happy. Its a win-win situation!
  • Every minute I spend with you is so worth it – every penny and dime too.
  • I used to stalk you on social media because I really like you. Now, its the other way around, I got you in the palm of my hand and I love it!
  • The best part of being your girlfriend is that I rarely take out the trash. Thank you!
  • Do you know how I know that youll be my boyfriend? The horoscope told me!
  • Id go to the ends of the world for you, but if you mess with me, that is the end of the world for you.
  • You are my one and only dream…and going to the Bahamas, a shopping spree and meeting Channing Tatum.
  • Catch of the day: you Breakfast special: you Lunch special: you and Dinner special is you.
  • Together lets make some great memories and love stories and in the future, good looking babies.
  • Boyfriend: a regular male companion with whom one has a romantic or sexual relationship, one who forgets to put down the toilet seat, one who snores in his sleep and one that I really love.
  • You are as sweet as honey and sugar and as loving and thoughtful as kind bars.
  • I am not waiting for a knight in shining armor. Mine has already arrived and he brought me pizza!
  • You might be a mamas boy but I love you and you bring me daily joy.
  • Marry me and do the dishes and the take out the trash for the rest of our lives and make me the happiest girl alive.
  • I am happy just hanging out with you. I couldnt ask for more in a boyfriend.
  • Hold my hand, hold my heart and hold me forever. I love you.
  • My day is not complete without you texting me sweet and sexy words. I always look forward to receiving them.
  • Loving and romancing you is all I want to do. 24/7
  • Your love makes me a better person. I am changed for good because of you.
  • To me being with you is a little slice of heaven. Its sweet.
  • Youve got the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen and youve got the sweetest lips my lips have ever been.
  • Being in your arms is my happiest place. I dont want to be anywhere else.
  • Only you can make me feel this way. To feel loved, needed and wanted.
  • Being with you has its ups and downs but please know that you are still the best thing that happened to me and I wouldnt change a thing.
  • I am so proud to introduce you to my family. I am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend.
  • Your hugs and kisses makes my heart and soul sing and dance of happiness.
  • Sometimes I just close my eyes and thank God that you came to my life. I am so blessed.
  • I would do anything for you. I promise to be with you no matter what.
  • My nights, my days and my world are better since I found you.

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