Call me whatever you want Ill always speak for the Army. Without understanding the extreme conditions theyre in you cant question the extreme action they take Gautam Gambhir

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by dhavalvadi · Published December 12, 2019
by dhavalvadi · Published December 12, 2019
by dhavalvadi · Published December 12, 2019
हिंदी ગુજરાતી Against love Anniversary Army Attitude Beach Bengali Betrayal BF Quote Bhagavad Geeta Bible Bike Lover Birthday Broken Brother Brother Sister Buddha Captions Care Cat CELEBRITY Children Coffee Lover Couple Cousin Crush Cute Dance Daughter Death Dog Dreams Eyes Failure Family Father Father Daughter Flower Food Lover Forever Friends GF Girls Status God GoodBye Grandmother Gym Lover Heart Her Hindi Hug Husband Infatuation Inspirational Instagram Kiss Krishna Lesbian Life Like Love Love Triangle Marriage Miss Mother Mother Teresa Motivational Movie Myself Parents Promise Proposal Quote for Him Quotes with explanation Rain Romantic Sacrifice Sad Saree Sister Smile Son Soulmate SPIRITUAL Sunset Tea Telugu Top 10 Uncategorized Valentine Day Weather Wife Wise Man
He who lives in our mind is near though he may actually be far away but he who is not in our heart is far though he may really be nearby Chanakya
I just sort of feel like John Hughes movies are perfect but theyre missing violence. If they just had some violence theyd be perfect
We are not hungry Why foist this food upon us We dont want to be choked. We have enough Robert Mugabe
When you hear romantic music, it makes you want to take your girl out to dinner or buy her something or take her out in the moonlight or take her on a walk – R. Kelly
There is a strong side to me, that is of a homemaker. I look forward to spending time at home in the evenings, cooking a meal, chatting with my parents and inviting friends over – Deepika Padukone
If you want to be successful its just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing