I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, paying bills with a small smile. She’d sigh and say, ‘I’m so blessed to be able to pay these.’ She knew it was about what you have – Faith Salie

I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, paying bills with a small smile. She'd sigh and say, 'I'm so blessed to be able to pay these.' She knew it was about what you have - Faith Salie
I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, paying bills with a small smile. She’d sigh and say, ‘I’m so blessed to be able to pay these.’ She knew it was about what you have – Faith Salie

I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, paying bills with a small smile. She’d sigh and say, ‘I’m so blessed to be able to pay these.’ She knew it was about what you have – Faith Salie

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