As we grew up my brothers acted like they didnt care but I always knew they looked out for me and were there.

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by dhavalvadi · Published January 8, 2020
by dhavalvadi · Published January 8, 2020
by dhavalvadi · Published January 8, 2020
हिंदी ગુજરાતી Against love Anniversary Army Attitude Beach Bengali Betrayal BF Quote Bhagavad Geeta Bible Bike Lover Birthday Broken Brother Brother Sister Buddha Captions Care Cat CELEBRITY Children Coffee Lover Couple Cousin Crush Cute Dance Daughter Death Dog Dreams Eyes Failure Family Father Father Daughter Flower Food Lover Forever Friends GF Girls Status God GoodBye Grandmother Gym Lover Heart Her Hindi Hug Husband Infatuation Inspirational Instagram Kiss Krishna Lesbian Life Like Love Love Triangle Marriage Miss Mother Mother Teresa Motivational Movie Myself Parents Promise Proposal Quote for Him Quotes with explanation Rain Romantic Sacrifice Sad Saree Sister Smile Son Soulmate SPIRITUAL Sunset Tea Telugu Top 10 Uncategorized Valentine Day Weather Wife Wise Man
I’m not a social singer. But if one can take a social message via the romantic, that’s a strong statement – Luis Fonsi
Always love your mother because you will never get another. 2
Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting.
Im a healthy eater but I dont consider Chick fil A fast food Kehlani
Ive flown halfway around the world to kiss a girl. I jumped on a plane and flew to Australia
A muscle is like a car. If you want it to run well early in the morning you have to warm it up Florence Griffith Joyner
I mean everyone walks into the gym on day one skinny or fat. Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into the gym skinny at 15 or 16 and I was that way too Joe Manganiello