In the Army, because the stakes are so high : right? : you can’t just be a yes:man and say, ‘Great idea, boss!’ if you don’t believe it : right? : because lives are at stake. And the commanders that I’ve worked for, they want frank assessments; they want criticism and feedback :H. R. McMaster
In the Army, because the stakes are so high : right? : you can’t just be a yes:man and say, ‘Great idea, boss!’ if you don’t believe it : right? : because lives are at stake. And the commanders that I’ve worked for, they want frank assessments; they want criticism and feedback :H. R. McMaster
In the Army, because the stakes are so high : right? : you can’t just be a yes:man and say, ‘Great idea, boss!’ if you don’t believe it : right? : because lives are at stake. And the commanders that I’ve worked for, they want frank assessments; they want criticism and feedback :H. R. McMaster