My husband is so proud of me. He’s in the Army, so he doesn’t get to travel much with me, but when I come home, he’s the exact same, so it’s really nice to have him so disconnected from all the other stuff so my life can still feel normal at home :Anna Todd
My husband is so proud of me. He’s in the Army, so he doesn’t get to travel much with me, but when I come home, he’s the exact same, so it’s really nice to have him so disconnected from all the other stuff so my life can still feel normal at home :Anna Todd
My husband is so proud of me. He’s in the Army, so he doesn’t get to travel much with me, but when I come home, he’s the exact same, so it’s really nice to have him so disconnected from all the other stuff so my life can still feel normal at home :Anna Todd
We cannot change the politics issue until we change the culture around it – until we talk about what parents do for their kids as an act of love. That’s a cultural conversation – Jose Antonio Vargas
A tip for looking ‘picture perfect’ is probably a smile. I think everyone looks better when they are happy – you give off a glow – or at least that is what my mum would say!