Seven hundred thousand people who have dementia in this country are not heard. I’m fortunate; I can be heard. Regrettably, it’s amazing how people listen if you stand up in public and give away $1 million for research into the disease, as I have done – Terry Pratchett
Seven hundred thousand people who have dementia in this country are not heard. I’m fortunate; I can be heard. Regrettably, it’s amazing how people listen if you stand up in public and give away $1 million for research into the disease, as I have done – Terry Pratchett
Seven hundred thousand people who have dementia in this country are not heard. I’m fortunate; I can be heard. Regrettably, it’s amazing how people listen if you stand up in public and give away $1 million for research into the disease, as I have done – Terry Pratchett
The theme of sisters of missing sisters of needing sisters the special love that sisters share or the antagonism sisters share is something that is very close to me
No amount of money can be paid for the relationship between a father and his sons and a father and his daughters Willie Williams 7 Steps to Parenting Power