Tagged: i love my little sister quotes

Best i love my little sister quotes that you can use to express your feelings. We have largest Collection of beautiful quotes, captions, status and sayings.

Sister did you know good friends come and go but a sister and her wardrobe is for life. Can I borrow your black top. 1

Sister, did you know good friends come and go but a sister and her wardrobe is for life. Can I borrow your black top.

Sister a person whos been where youve been someone you can call when things arent going right is more than just family a sister is a forever friend. 1

Sister- A person whos been where youve been- someone you can call when things arent going right- is more than just family- a sister is a forever friend

Side by side or miles apart sisters will always be connected by heart 1 1

Side by side or miles apart, sisters will always be connected by heart

Side by side or miles apart we are sisters connected by the heart. 1

Side by side or miles apart we are sisters connected by the heart.