Theres sometimes a weird benefit to having an alcoholic violent father He really motivated me in that I never wanted to be anything like him Dean Koontz
If a studio is going to offer me the opportunity to invite my mother and grandmother and all my friends to visit me free of charge in Thailand Im going to take that opportunity
Ive never been the person whos like Ive got to get a four pack of abs And Im not the type to go to the gym and run on the treadmill for 45 minutes and then lift weights Cobie Smulders
When I forget who I am, I remind myself by finding my stride. I remember that I am strong, free, and loved, and that with God’s help I can weather whatever comes – Kristin Armstrong
As youngsters my mother taught her children that while we might not be the smartest people around we could be courteous polite and considerate of others
I like girls that have a nice smile and nice eyes. I want to date a girl who understands my busy schedule and that I have to be on tour a lot. And she has to make me laugh!