With so many part:time people on : and not on : the job, corporate America has started to feel like it’s on a permanent maternity leave. Colleagues are an amorphous, free:floating army of rotating waifs whose voicemails are clogged with plaintive requests from their own offices for missing information :Tina Brown
With so many part:time people on : and not on : the job, corporate America has started to feel like it’s on a permanent maternity leave. Colleagues are an amorphous, free:floating army of rotating waifs whose voicemails are clogged with plaintive requests from their own offices for missing information :Tina Brown
With so many part:time people on : and not on : the job, corporate America has started to feel like it’s on a permanent maternity leave. Colleagues are an amorphous, free:floating army of rotating waifs whose voicemails are clogged with plaintive requests from their own offices for missing information :Tina Brown