You are a one of a kind rare gem that I am so lucky to have foundHappy Anniversary

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by dhavalvadi · Published December 11, 2019
by dhavalvadi · Published December 11, 2019
by dhavalvadi · Published December 11, 2019
हिंदी ગુજરાતી Against love Anniversary Army Attitude Beach Bengali Betrayal BF Quote Bhagavad Geeta Bible Bike Lover Birthday Broken Brother Brother Sister Buddha Captions Care Cat CELEBRITY Children Coffee Lover Couple Cousin Crush Cute Dance Daughter Death Dog Dreams Eyes Failure Family Father Father Daughter Flower Food Lover Forever Friends GF Girls Status God GoodBye Grandmother Gym Lover Heart Her Hindi Hug Husband Infatuation Inspirational Instagram Kiss Krishna Lesbian Life Like Love Love Triangle Marriage Miss Mother Mother Teresa Motivational Movie Myself Parents Promise Proposal Quote for Him Quotes with explanation Rain Romantic Sacrifice Sad Saree Sister Smile Son Soulmate SPIRITUAL Sunset Tea Telugu Top 10 Uncategorized Valentine Day Weather Wife Wise Man
Not long ago, I got to meet some troopers whose lives had been saved. They came with their wives, their children, their parents. It was a very moving occasion – Stephanie Kwolek
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Reinhold Niebuhr
The highest happiness on earth is marriage William Lyon Phelps
I always was missing that female brown queer perspective and I think in Vida we have that. A lot of things I wanted to touch on and deal with I get to do here
If I loved all the world as I do you, I shouldn’t write books to it – I should only write letters to it, and that would be only a clumsy stage on the way to entire telepathy – Laurence Housman