Tagged: mom captions for ig in english
Best mom captions for ig in english that you can use to express your feelings. We have largest Collection of beautiful quotes, captions, status and sayings.

My doctor told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother

My daughter is in more competition with me. I never wanted to be bigger than my mother or to challenge her

My daughter introduced me to myself.

My biological dad was Armenian. My last name is Lopez and I have a darker complexion which throws people for a loop. My mothers first husband is Mexican. Thats where I got Lopez

My biggest hero was my mother. She told me every day that I could do or be anything. I knew it I believed it and I embraced it

My biggest challenge every day is to be a great mother and a great businesswoman

My bedroom was plastered with pictures of Van Damme. My mother was worried about me. Most teenage boys have half naked women on their walls and I had Jean Claude

My beauty icon is the love between my mother and father