Commerce seems to be covering every aspect of our lives now. Which me, because I’m a romantic, is sad for me to say – Jeremy Irons

Tags: Gujarati shayari love romanticRomantic captionRomantic quotes in english
by dhavalvadi · Published January 13, 2020
by dhavalvadi · Published January 13, 2020
by dhavalvadi · Published January 13, 2020
Knowledge of the past and of the places of the earth is the ornament and food of the mind of man Leonardo da Vinci
Quotes with explanation / Uncategorized
He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being
Any business that has the soul purpose of making money is not worth doing
Still most people dont have much money. So finding ways to come out a couple of thousand dollars ahead every year still matters Andrew Tobias
Not talking to you is so hard when we used to talk every day.